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Foliage – Exhibition by Élodie Moirenc

February 22 @ 8h00 - April 20 @ 17h00

centre d'art contemporain de châteauvert

This exhibition presents both the productions carried out during the residence to reopen the world of Elodie Moirenc and the works of the artist.

During this residence, The artist wanted to merge his practice with that of children and adults. Elodie Moirenc offered to share her series “Things” with families in the idea of ​​questioning the practice of drawing in a collective dimension. These drawings, in mind wallpaper, were made with a group of women at the Maison des Petits de Brignoles.

Cornering is thus a way of being with others, to integrate their knowledge and learn to move with them on a field of exchange.

Reopen the World, A DRAC PACA device, As part of cultural summer 2024 set up by the Ministry of Culture.


Reopen the world 2023
The Maison de l'Enfance Francis Barrau :
Leís Esteleto (crèche) – Nans-les-Pins / The Caganis (crèche) – AUPS PLAN / The Maison des petits – Brignoles / Live water (micro crèche) – Stea Anastasie

Reopen the world 2024
The Maison des petits – Brignoles / Pitchounets (crèche) - Garéoult / The Val d'Issole bridge – Neoules


Élodie Moirenc vit et travaille à Marseille.

A travers le dessin et l’installation, son travail s’appuie sur la notion de décoration et emprunte, au domaine de la scénographie théâtrale, les stratégies de mise en espace pour les confronter ensuite à une dimension plus familière.

Parallèlement à des expositions, elle aime s’engager dans des créations partagées, especially in recent years, In the midst of early childhood (Books-objects, pocket theaters and cabins).

Network associated artist The new creative wave of very early childhood.



February 22 @ 8h00
April 20 @ 17h00
Event Categories:


Centre d’Art contemporain de Chateauvert