“It is indeed thanks to two states that man conquers the sensation of the delight of existing., the dream and the drunkenness”
F.Nietzsche in The Dionysian Vision of the World (1870)
The works exhibited at the Sainte-Anastasie art center hang on the walls as much as they nestle in place of the vats of the old cooperative cellar, in the caves loaded with the memory of yesterday and carriers of the art of today.
The art center opens a new path to contemporary creation by providing a space for experimentation for artists. It is also a real laboratory for the teams of the art center, thanks to innovative exhibitions where mediation and education are so many opportunities for discovery and astonishment. Support for artist-authors and transmission to visitors are carried out in the same movement between these walls that have long been accomplices of dreams and intoxication., where the soul fully blossoms.
There are no upcoming events at this time
Because it is never too early to become aware of contemporary creation, the mediation team offers children under three years old the opportunity to discover the temporary exhibitions through a playful storytelling visit and a workshop adapted to each age group.
6 children maximum. Only in the morning, 45 minutes maximum.
Only on reservation : casa@caprovenceverte.fr
Schools and recreation centers
Each new exhibition constitutes the support of a different mediation adapted to each public..
The workshops offered for schools and leisure centers are different.
Children and families
Families are invited to a free guided tour every second Sunday of the month. This visit is followed by a creative workshop to be carried out with several hands.
Free upon presentation of the entrance ticket. On reservation : 06 49 74 30 20 or casa@caprovenceverte.fr
Visitors with disabilities
The art center's exhibitions are accessible to people in wheelchairs.
Visitors with mental or psychological disabilities
Visits and discovery workshops adapted for each group of children, adults or for families are offered. The mediation team is available to group leaders to prepare a visit or develop a particular project.
On reservation : casa@caprovenceverte.fr
Hours and prices
Off holidays
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
From 1st October to 30 April : from 14h to 17h
From 2 May to 30 September : from 14h to 18h
Free admission
During holidays
From Wednesday to Sunday
From 1st October to 30 April : from 14h to 17h
From 2 May to 30 September : from 14h to 18h
July / August :
From Wednesday to Friday : from 14h to 18h
Saturday and Sunday : 10h-12h30 / 14h - 18h
Free admission
Access and contact
art center / Old Cooperative Cellar
Notre Dame Street
83136 Sainte-Anastasie-sur-Issole
GPS coordinates : 43.34125119999999 / 6.123348099999999
Access: A8, sortie 34, direction Toulon then Sainte-Anastasie
06 49 74 30 20